HONEY LAW FIRM, P.A. launches a new campaign featuring StarStar Numbers as the call to action.

HONEY LAW FIRM – Dial **33 Hot Springs, AR With over 25 years of experience in debt relief for businesses and families, we are dedicated to stopping: Foreclosures – Repossessions – Bill Collectors – Garnishments We have extensive experience in bankruptcy and tax law. Arrange for a free consultation to …

Did you catch all the Superbowl Commercials last night?

How about this one featuring the easiest, most memorable number you can market your business with now…. **GREEK Superbowl Commercial. Our StarStar numbers strengthen your advertising campaigns by bridging the divide between your offline and online marketing reach. #SuperBowl #SuperBowlLIV #SBLIV #SuperBowl54 #SuperBowl2020 #MobileMarketing #StarStarMobile

Resorts World Casino New York City launches unique vanity phone number

Customers dial **RWNYC (Resorts World Casino New York) and during the call, customers will receive a text message with a link to an online platform. The online platform offers customers and players additional details for their request and the ability to make a reservation, receive VIP perks and rewards, among …

StarStar Numbers for Your Radio Station’s On-Site Promotions

Radio Station street teams have been a crucial component of radio stations’ marketing strategies for decades. On the programming side, we frequently deploy them to engage with listeners at concerts and festivals. On the sales side, promotional appearances are often an important part of closing deals companies like car dealerships …

Resorts World Casino New York City ups the Ante with **RWNYC

Learn how Resorts World Casino New York City is using a ** number to initiate conversations with customers through their mobile dial pads while providing Resorts World Casino New York City with access to real-time customer engagement data. For all the details, read the article published in CalvinAyre.com. New Partnership …

Resorts World Casino New York City partners with StarStar Mobile

Resorts World Casino New York City, the city’s only casino offering an unparalleled gaming and entertainment experience, today announced a partnership with StarStar Mobile, a leading marketing and telecommunications platform, to launch **RWNYC, a unique vanity number that can be used from any phone. With **RWNYC, Resorts World Casino NYC …

Resorts World Casino New York City Ups the Ante with **RWNYC

New York City  – Resorts World Casino New York City, the city’s only casino offering an unparalleled gaming and entertainment experience, today announced a partnership with StarStar Mobile, a leading marketing and telecommunications platform, to launch **RWNYC, a unique vanity number that can be used from any phone. With **RWNYC, Resorts World …

Growing Stronger Customer Engagement Through Vanity Numbers

No matter how diverse your customer base may be, the majority of them have two things in common. First, they expect you to provide information and answers to their questions immediately. Second, they will become former customers the first time you fail to do so. In today’s mobile, always-connected world, …

Why a mobile vanity phone number may be the new ‘Star-Star’ of marketing

There’s a new mobile technology in town and it is truly going to change the landscape of tradigital marketing! How many times have you heard that before? Well, I hear it just about every day. But this time, with the Star-Star (**) mobile vanity phone number, I am thoroughly convinced …